niedziela, 16 lutego 2014

Politics and politicians

Politics and politicians are the one that I really don’t like / hate  because they making our life difficult and they are not thinking about the people and nation but only about themselves.
They giving a  lot of promises but never keep it.
They are living in luxury and will never understood the daily problems of normal people.
Poland is beautiful country but governed by people who are not able to appreciate that  and allows young people to leave abroad.

My favourite possesion

My favourite possession is my bike.. It even has a name  - ‘Szuszumi’ because it's very fast like a wind :) I got it from my grandparents as birthday gift.
It is white, big and fast. It has got a three bicycle bells (1 for elder and animals, 1 for adults, 1 for children :)).  I just love it.
See you soon!

Typical food from Poland

Hello! Today I would like to describe typical food from Poland.
Typical food from Poland are pork chop with potatoes or broth.(I don’t like both.)
We have a plenty of different soups like żurek (white soup with sausage), barszcz (red soup with beetroot's) ,krupnik (vegetables with kasha).
There are also popular and very liked by children-dumplings (with meat, cabbage and mushrooms, white cheese, fruits or sweet)
Depends of the region you can find different kinds of typical food.

My favourite sport

Hello! Today I would like to describe my favourite sport.
My favourite sport is cycling. Why? Because is associated with holidays. During the summer holiday together with my friends we met every day and ride around the interesting places. This sport is relaxing and may be  practice by everybody.

My favourite book and movie

Today I would like to describe my favourite book and movie.
I haven’t got favourites book.I like trilogy ,,The Mortal instruments” of Casndra Clare (her really name is Judith Rumelt). Also I like series Rick’a Riordana- ,,Percy Jackson and Olympians Goods”
My favourites movie…I change them like a gloves.
I like: ,,Mummy’’, ,,Indiana Jones”, ,,Robin Hood” and various adaptations of books.
OK. That’s all.

The most interesting place

The most interesting and amazing place that I’ve visited was Kenia in Africa.
Unfortunately I can only describe it base on the pictures taken, because I was so small that I don’t remember anything :( .I was 3 years old…
Looking at the pictures is like watching the “National Geographic” with fantastic nature, animals and tropical vegetation.

The best day in my life

Today I would like to share with you the best day(s) in my life.
In primary school (class IV-VI) we have been only once on the class trip (last year).
It was the best day(s) for me. We were in Goszczanowo. It was a village in the middle of the forest. Our teacher (biologist) was lost in the forest and we couldn’t find the way back. We were rescued by the dog… who showed as the right way.
Camp-fire… I’ll never forget it. We lost all our sausages (fell to the fire) and went sleep hungry. The green night –the toothpaste was everywhere; on the walls, ceiling, in the beds…and of course we were painted as well (cleaning was not so nice but very funny).
There was so many funny and crazy situation and I’m not able to tell you the all story but it was wonderful time for me.
See you soon!